Beautiful Nigerian lady has become the center of attention on social media after sharing a video that shows the effects of heat on her face, revealing her unusual allergy to heat.

In the captivating video, captioned “You’re allergic to heat,” the lady initially appears stunning.

However, within moments, the video transitions and her face now looks swollen and reddened.

She maintains in the caption that her reaction is a result of her heat allergy.

The video, which shows the effects of her heat allergies, quickly gained traction online and has since gone viral.

Netizens were amused by the lady’s unique situation, leading to a lot of reactions and comments from veiwers.

While many expressed their genuine concern for her condition, some social media users couldn’t resist injecting humor and sarcasm into their responses, flooding the post with differing comments.

Some even speculated whether her swollen face was actually a result of a physical altercation between her partner, playfully suggesting that she may be using the allergy as a cover-up.

As the video continues to circulate, viewers online remain captivated by the lady’s heat allergy reaction, with many awaiting updates and requesting for insights into her unique situation.


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