In one of the popular internet challenge video, a Nigerian lady shares her controversial opinion on dating men who smoke.

According to her, guys who smoke are so peaceful and can give peace in a romantic relationship. In her words, “If you want peace of mind, date a guy that smokes”.

She then addresses women who want peace of mind to date guys who  smoke. Of course, many netizens disagreed with her stance.

They disagreed with her, citing examples of popular celebrities that smoke and thrive on making trouble. Some questioned her home background for her to have such a mentality.

Others were more logical, looking at the hazards of smoking and wondering if smokers dying young is part of the peace of mind. Read some of their comments:

@Ikopima0: Women and bad advice

@Unwanaassam1: If it worked for me, it does not mean it will work for another person. Keep quiet there!

@fortunateozuyak: The Day wey him no see smoke your mind go Dey

@Lilzazyy: Your children go turn fatherl£as in no time

@mf_jummy: Until one day e plank your head. Boya you go throwaway him Igbo mistakenly. Abeg I no like stress

@EmekaIkeche: Because they are liable to die young?😂🤣🤣🤣🤔🤔🤔

@DeOversabiman: Normally the guy self Dey find peace of mind nah why em dey smoke

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